Monday’s Mistake for June 14: Their, Their, Their

Monday’s Mistake for June 14: Their, Their, Their

What’s wrong with this sentence? “As interest in keeping her healthy increases, it bodes well for companies to do their part—for their customers, employees and their bottom line.” The writer got a little confused about the theirs, I guess. They didn’t need that second their before bottom line. It’s clutter. Plus it’s weird to put their before customers and bottom line but not before employees. That makes it seem like the employees could work for any company, I guess. The sentence is better without the extra their because it’s both...
This One Simple Trick Will Make You a Better Writer Fast

This One Simple Trick Will Make You a Better Writer Fast

(This business writing post was originally published June 2017) Have you ever hit Send only to find out later you had an egregious error in your message? I’m guessing yes, because it has happened to us all. We’re typing fast and probably thinking about the next task while trying to finish this one and boom, next thing you know, we’ve sent a messy message that implies we’re lazy and too busy to proofread. Dang! An Ounce of Prevention or a Pound of Cure? Whether you’re writing a quick Snapchat to a...