Wasted Writing at Work: How the Four Rs Can Save Us

Wasted Writing at Work: How the Four Rs Can Save Us

We waste too much time writing and reading confusing communications at work. The four Rs can save us from ourselves. Once upon a time, we referred to the three Rs that kids learned in school: reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. Today as adults in the 21st century who write at work, we need to focus on the four Rs: Re-read Remove Replace Rewrite And we need to starting now. Because time’s a wastin’ and we have better things to do. Why You Need the Four Rs As I’ve written about elsewhere, we are wasting $400 billion every single year...
14 (EASY) Ways to Be a Better Writer While WFH

14 (EASY) Ways to Be a Better Writer While WFH

Are you still working from home (WFH)? Or, as a client put it to me this morning, “living at work”? As challenging as it can be, those of us WFH have gained back a little time in our days because we don’t have to commute. And there, as the one who wants everyone to be a better, faster writer, I see WFH as opening up just a weeee bit of time for people to work on the critical communication skill of writing. Plus, I’ll be honest with you, as the farmer, I have had very little time this July to encourage anyone to do so—including...